About Homeopathy

Homeopathy vs Allopathy

The homeopathic approach to diagnosis and therapy is that the whole body must be considered as a single organism. Homeopathy sees symptoms as the body’s reaction against illness, as it attempts to overcome the illness and seeks to stimulate the body’s own Vital Force, rather than suppress the reaction. This is in stark contrast to the conventional or Western approach, which uses drugs to counter the disease by acting in an opposite manner [ = Allopathic Medicine] by suppressing the symptoms.

Modern drugs can be lifesaving in acute situations, as can advances in surgery, but they do not provide the ideal treatment option for chronic diseases. Many people suffer with chronic conditions such as allergies, asthma, migraines, eczema etc. These are at best controlled or suppressed with drugs, with the consequent return of all symptoms when the drugs are stopped. Others suffer for years in a state of dis-ease with little relief [see Integrative Medicine missing). Homeopathy can offer real hope of relief and lasting cures in very many cases.

Many people are becoming increasingly concerned with the difficulty in maintaining optimum health in the face of the deteriorating environment [air and food pollution, negative stresses, cell-phone and other radiation]. Homeopathy can provide an entirely natural way of returning the body to good health, without merely suppressing symptoms.

Many drugs have unpleasant and toxic side effects, whereas homeopathic medicines are completely safe. Homeopathy can also work together with Allopathy by relieving the unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy, for example. Homeopathic medicines are mainly of plant, mineral or animal origin, and assist the patient in regaining health by stimulating the body’s natural mechanism of recovery.

Scientific Studies

Conventional Western doctors dispute the principle that a very dilute substance can have any therapeutic effect on the body. They claim too that the PLACEBO effect [i.e. the power of suggestion] accounts wholly for the success of homeopathy. This effect does indeed account for about 30% of the success rate BUT it also does so in conventional clinical studies!

It is technically difficult to set up “double blinded” clinical trials on homeopathic cases as the treatment needs to be so highly individualised. Nevertheless, much research has been done, and its mode of action and success have been proven scientifically. Trials are expensive, and funds are limited as they obviously do not have the support of the large, corporate pharmaceutical companies. All too often, poorly conducted trials which show homeopathy in a negative light, are highlighted in the press and media, in an attempt to discredit homeopathy.


These injections cannot be compared with the usual injections given in conventional medicine. They are not as painful as a normal injection because the needle used is very fine and the quantity injected is very small. Most of them are given into or just under the skin, others are given into specific muscle points or into and around joints. In most cases, several little injections are given in a specific zone (or in several areas) of the body at each session.

What about the safety and efficacy of this technique?

Biopuncture will always be performed according to the latest technical and safety standards. This includes a correct injection technique, and of course the use of sterile disposable material, so that transmission of disease (e.g. hepatitis, AIDS) is impossible.

How does Biopuncture work?

These natural products are injected with the primary aim of stimulating your own defense systems, i.e. the body is invited to start healing itself. In many cases, this is sufficient to get the body in balance again. You may receive injections in your neck for whiplash, on your chest for bronchitis, on your abdomen for gastro-enteritis, in your knee for joint pain, etc.

But there is much more to it than that. Local injections can also be given to stimulate the local blood circulation, and to support the ongoing inflammatory processes, if indicated, such as when treating sports injuries.

Some of the products are designed to relax muscles. They are used, for example, when dealing with neck pain and low back pain. Even pain in the knee or in the hip region can have a muscular origin and can sometimes be treated without injecting the joint itself.

One can also approach the issues by working on the nervous system and the ground regulation system (the matrix of the body). When working on that level, biopuncture can actually regulate the neural reflexes.

Which conditions are best treated with Biopuncture?

Biopuncture is mostly used for minor orthopaedic and musculo-skeletal problems, whether they are acute or chronic. Neck pain, back pain, sciatica, sprained joints, frozen shoulder and Achilles tendonitis all respond well to this treatment. Biopuncture is also very successful in treating sports injuries, tennis elbow, and repetitive strain injuries.

However, Biopuncture is not just used for pain problems, but other conditions such as allergies and inflammations respond well, e.g. asthma, eczema and hay fever. Patients with arthritis, bronchitis, cystitis and sinusitis can also be treated with this technique.

The use of biopuncture should be considered by those patients who have tried conventional medicine but have had no success, or those who have had to stop taking conventional medication because of side effects. It is an interesting healing technique for those patients who want to avoid an operation (for example for sciatica or sinusitis). In some patients it may be advantageous to combine the conventional approach together with biopuncture. Many people still believe that one has to stop conventional treatments when choosing natural medicine. This is not true. When you are being treated with biopuncture, you just continue the medication you were already taking. In case of doubt, always contact your physician first for professional advice. Each case should be considered individually.

What to expect with treatment?

Biopuncture cannot heal all your medical problems. This is not a miracle therapy and your health practitioner must decide what can be treated, and what can’t. The majority of patients choose to be treated with biopuncture because they are in pain and do not support the use of conventional painkillers. However, it is important to realise that biopuncture cannot take away the pain as with conventional medication. Pain is seen as an important signal from your body that something is going wrong. It is similar to a red light in the dashboard of your car: the aim is not to just take it away but to look for the deeper cause. This means that, if pain can be alleviated without prescribing painkillers, there is good reason to conclude that the deeper cause of that particular pain has been eliminated. However, it may take a few treatments before you actually feel better. If your pain is recent, it may be treated in two or three sessions. If the pain has been there for months or years, it may take 10 or 20 sessions.